Watch animated video and ask the students when it is completed:
1. What made the video funny?
2. Did they think the ending worked?
3. Were they routing for the sea creature?
4. What makes animation so enjoyable to watch?
Have students continue working on:
- completing and editing candy photos
- finishing doodles, taking a photo of doodles and then creating 2 art cards
- creating a business card on Canva and downloading it to the computer and copying to their media folder (Get Adam to help people with this he knows what he is doing)
Business Card on Canva
- Log in to Canvas with Isfeld ID
- go to business card templates, find one you like or start from a blank template
- you can do a double sided card if you like
- Criteria: make up a business name, create a logo for the business, create a slogan, include your name and email. You can add anything else you want to make it look interesting
- go to share, download as a pdf
- go to downloads in the folders , usually at the top
- copy/paste from download folder to drive folder and name it business card
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