Monday, November 11, 2024

New Term Media Arts 8

Welcome to Media Arts 8

 Media Arts

Media Arts is the study of human communication through: film, photography, video, audio, computer digital arts, and interactive media. Creatively, students employ the elements of space, time, light, motion, color, and sound to express their perspectives, feelings, and ideas. Critically, you will learn to interpret and evaluate media within aesthetic, cultural and historical contexts to become more enlightened consumers and effective citizens.

Media Arts is aesthetic-based and uses elements and tools of current and emerging technologies to create works that express feelings and ideas. The act of creation is an essential part of thinking which in turn builds the notion that there are alternative approaches to traditional mass media. In order to learn the language and symbol systems of our current culture. We will work in different mediums to explore ideas.

You will need access to a phone for taking photos in this class

Students are expected to know the following:

  • elements and principles of design

  • image development strategies ( photoshop)

  • a variety of image sources 

  • common vocabulary used in media arts

  • a range of materials, processes, and techniques

  • media production skills:

    — pre-production
    — production
    — post-production

  • use of symbols and metaphors to represent ideas
    and perspectives

  • First Peoples worldviews and cross-cultural
    perspectives, stories, and history as expressed through
    media arts

  • local, national, global, and inter-cultural media artists

    In this course we will explore the elements and principals of design through photography and video primarily. We will still do some hands on learning which will include some drawing and design work and an introduction to watercolour. Students will learn basic photoshop techniques, how to create a video slideshow in Canva.

    List as many things you find in the video that relate to Media Arts

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