Thursday, November 28, 2024

Friday Nov 29


For discussion

The video is called Glued, why do you think they named it this?

What issue is this film trying to address?

Do you think the filmmakers got their idea across well?

Continue working on your doodles, make sure you have coloured them with pencil crayon. If you finish, take a photo of your artwork on your phone and ask the teacher for some extension work or work on homework from another class.

Monday, November 25, 2024

Mon Nov 25

 New Assignment: Headshots: Take 5 headshots, 4 different people and one of yourself. Upload and put into a folder called HEADSHOTS 

Headshots 5 taken from the same distance with a clean background or try portrait mode on your phone.

You can crop using your phone editor so we just see head and shoulders

The person should face the camera and be smiling not making a weird face.

You need to have someone take a photo of you on your phone.

Steps for uploading:

1. get a phone cable from the teacher

2. Plug the usb into the computer

3. Plug the other end into your phone

4. an allow button should pop up on your phone, click allow

5. Then look for your phone on the left side of the screen where all of the drives are located.

6. Click on and you will be brought to a folder called INTERNAL STORAGE click on this, and alot of folders will be brought up. Move all the way down to the last folder which will be the most recent. You should see the three photos you just took.

7. Select the three photos and right click COPY, go to your MDrive folder, then click EDIT PASTE.

Come see me if you have problems doing this. 

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Week of Nov 17

link to: Snack Attack

This week we will be working on getting oriented with the computers, taking headshots with the phone cameras and working on doodles.

 1. Getting set up on the computer

  • create a folder with your fist and last name on it under your class file
  • create a folder on your one drive called media arts
  • find photoshop and bring it to the desktop

 2. Working on doodles

  • get a piece of white tag paper for practice
  • get another piece of tag paper for good copy
  • draw doodles in pencil in various sizes on the half sheet of tag paper in different directions
  • once you have drawn in pencil then you can ink out your designs
  • after inking you can add some colour with pencil crayon
  • the idea is to try drawing not tracing the doodles

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Media Arts 8 A look at Van Gough

 Folder Criteria:

  • first and last name
  • Media Arts 8
  • a few images
  • add some colour
  • front and back cover

Monday, November 11, 2024

New Term Media Arts 8

Welcome to Media Arts 8

 Media Arts

Media Arts is the study of human communication through: film, photography, video, audio, computer digital arts, and interactive media. Creatively, students employ the elements of space, time, light, motion, color, and sound to express their perspectives, feelings, and ideas. Critically, you will learn to interpret and evaluate media within aesthetic, cultural and historical contexts to become more enlightened consumers and effective citizens.

Media Arts is aesthetic-based and uses elements and tools of current and emerging technologies to create works that express feelings and ideas. The act of creation is an essential part of thinking which in turn builds the notion that there are alternative approaches to traditional mass media. In order to learn the language and symbol systems of our current culture. We will work in different mediums to explore ideas.

You will need access to a phone for taking photos in this class

Students are expected to know the following:

  • elements and principles of design

  • image development strategies ( photoshop)

  • a variety of image sources 

  • common vocabulary used in media arts

  • a range of materials, processes, and techniques

  • media production skills:

    — pre-production
    — production
    — post-production

  • use of symbols and metaphors to represent ideas
    and perspectives

  • First Peoples worldviews and cross-cultural
    perspectives, stories, and history as expressed through
    media arts

  • local, national, global, and inter-cultural media artists

    In this course we will explore the elements and principals of design through photography and video primarily. We will still do some hands on learning which will include some drawing and design work and an introduction to watercolour. Students will learn basic photoshop techniques, how to create a video slideshow in Canva.

    List as many things you find in the video that relate to Media Arts


 Update of Assignments so far Folder: should have name, media arts 8, drawings and colour Headshots: 5 head and shoulder shots cropped Test ...