- Ornament finished and uploaded
- Old work
- Christmas cards
- Pattern sheep
- Canva
The focus of this site is to inspire, provide instruction and showcase the Art of Mark Isfeld students.
Thursday, December 19, 2024
Wednesday, December 04, 2024
Wed Dec 4
Candy Macros: Using your phones, you will set up 10 interesting compositions to take 10 candy photos.
- must all be clear and in focus
- should not be overly cluttered
- should not be the same as your partner's photos, you must take your own photos
- try to create interesting compositions using backgrounds in the class or the light tent
- photos should be edited for cropping and lighting
The following should be in your folder:
- 5 headshots cropped head and shoulders
- Photo cropped of your doodle
- HEADSWAP: where you swap your head with a celebrity
- 10 candy photos
- Ornament
Tuesday, December 03, 2024
Tues Dec 3
1. You need to have all of your headshots taken and take a photo of your finished doodle sheet.
2. Watch how to upload your headshots and doodle pic
3. Try uploading using the phone cable.
4. Steps for uploading.
Steps for uploading:
1. get a phone cable from the teacher
2. Plug the usb into the computer
3. Plug the other end into your phone
4. an allow button should pop up on your phone, click allow
5. Then look for your phone on the left side of the screen where all of the drives are located.
6. Click on and you will be brought to a folder called INTERNAL STORAGE click on this, and alot of folders will be brought up. Move all the way down to the last folder which will be the most recent. You should see the three photos you just took.
7. Select the three photos and right click COPY, go to your MDrive folder, then click EDIT PASTE.
Come see me if you have problems doing this.
Monday, December 02, 2024
Steps for Headswap
1. Find a photo of a person on the internet. When using google to find the image, get the largest size photo possible. ( ie superman, famous model or celebrity) no animals or cartoons. Right click COPY, open Photoshop, File NEW, edit PASTE
3. Bring in both photos to Photoshop. Go to IMAGE, IMAGE SIZE and change the photos to both be close to the same size.Height 11 INCHES. If one is way bigger than the other it will be difficult to do the assignment.
Note: It is probably more interesting to put the student head on the celebrity body, but it does not matter which head goes where. Also if you do not have a head shot that works for the swap, simply go out and take a shot of someone in a similar pose and distance away from the camera.
7. When on the next photo, click on EDIT, PASTE. This will put the head on the page. Then to resize the head, click EDIT, TRANSFORM, SCALE. This will put a box around the photo and allow you to change the size of the head, you can also slightly rotate the head if you go to ROTATE under TRANSFORM tool.
8.. Then you want to tweak the image by moving into place with the pick/move tool, or use the eraser tool to clean up the edges.
Note: SAVING the file: If you need to continue working on the head swap, save as a COPY Photoshop file so you can come back and work on the image. It is always a good idea, to save your edited photos as Photoshop files as a backup in case you need to go back and make changes. However, if you think you are done you can save as a JPEG ( which is save as copy).
Thursday, November 28, 2024
Friday Nov 29
For discussion
The video is called Glued, why do you think they named it this?
What issue is this film trying to address?
Do you think the filmmakers got their idea across well?
Continue working on your doodles, make sure you have coloured them with pencil crayon. If you finish, take a photo of your artwork on your phone and ask the teacher for some extension work or work on homework from another class.
Monday, November 25, 2024
Mon Nov 25
New Assignment: Headshots: Take 5 headshots, 4 different people and one of yourself. Upload and put into a folder called HEADSHOTS
Headshots 5 taken from the same distance with a clean background or try portrait mode on your phone.
You can crop using your phone editor so we just see head and shoulders
The person should face the camera and be smiling not making a weird face.
You need to have someone take a photo of you on your phone.
Steps for uploading:
1. get a phone cable from the teacher
2. Plug the usb into the computer
3. Plug the other end into your phone
4. an allow button should pop up on your phone, click allow
5. Then look for your phone on the left side of the screen where all of the drives are located.
6. Click on and you will be brought to a folder called INTERNAL STORAGE click on this, and alot of folders will be brought up. Move all the way down to the last folder which will be the most recent. You should see the three photos you just took.
7. Select the three photos and right click COPY, go to your MDrive folder, then click EDIT PASTE.
Come see me if you have problems doing this.
Sunday, November 17, 2024
Week of Nov 17
link to: Snack Attack
This week we will be working on getting oriented with the computers, taking headshots with the phone cameras and working on doodles.
1. Getting set up on the computer
- create a folder with your fist and last name on it under your class file
- create a folder on your one drive called media arts
- find photoshop and bring it to the desktop
2. Working on doodles
- get a piece of white tag paper for practice
- get another piece of tag paper for good copy
- draw doodles in pencil in various sizes on the half sheet of tag paper in different directions
- once you have drawn in pencil then you can ink out your designs
- after inking you can add some colour with pencil crayon
- the idea is to try drawing not tracing the doodles
Thursday, November 14, 2024
Media Arts 8 A look at Van Gough
Folder Criteria:
- first and last name
- Media Arts 8
- a few images
- add some colour
- front and back cover
Monday, November 11, 2024
New Term Media Arts 8
Welcome to Media Arts 8
Media Arts
Media Arts is the study of human communication through: film, photography, video, audio, computer digital arts, and interactive media. Creatively, students employ the elements of space, time, light, motion, color, and sound to express their perspectives, feelings, and ideas. Critically, you will learn to interpret and evaluate media within aesthetic, cultural and historical contexts to become more enlightened consumers and effective citizens.
Media Arts is aesthetic-based and uses elements and tools of current and emerging technologies to create works that express feelings and ideas. The act of creation is an essential part of thinking which in turn builds the notion that there are alternative approaches to traditional mass media. In order to learn the language and symbol systems of our current culture. We will work in different mediums to explore ideas.
You will need access to a phone for taking photos in this class
Students are expected to know the following:
elements and principles of design
image development strategies ( photoshop)
a variety of image sources
common vocabulary used in media arts
a range of materials, processes, and techniques
media production skills:
— pre-production
— production
— post-productionuse of symbols and metaphors to represent ideas
and perspectivesFirst Peoples worldviews and cross-cultural
perspectives, stories, and history as expressed through
media artslocal, national, global, and inter-cultural media artists
In this course we will explore the elements and principals of design through photography and video primarily. We will still do some hands on learning which will include some drawing and design work and an introduction to watercolour. Students will learn basic photoshop techniques, how to create a video slideshow in Canva.
List as many things you find in the video that relate to Media Arts
Wednesday, November 06, 2024
Sunday, October 27, 2024
Photo Slideshow
Link to: Sample Grade 8 About Me video slideshow
Sunday, October 20, 2024
Show students the sample video in Canva....the first step is to upload all of the photos into Canva and then go to create video. It should be no longer than one minute in length and the slides should be timed to 3.5 seconds.
Link to: Sample Grade 8 About Me video slideshow
Demystifying the CGI process.
CGI uses computers to speed up the design process, but it isn’t as simple as pressing a button. The CGI creation process involves:
- Conceptualization and pre-production. The design team works on storyboards, character design, and scene layouts.
- 3D modeling. At this stage, designers build digital 3D objects, characters, and environments.
- Texturing. Texture applies color and realistic details to 3D models.
- Rigging. Rigging adds a digital skeleton for movement and flexibility.
- Animation. Designers use the established foundation to bring the 3D models to life and add movement.
- Lighting. Virtual lighting creates ambiance and makes the scene more realistic.
- Rendering. This converts the 3D scene into a 2D image or animation.
- Post-production. The designers add final touches, effects, and edits to make the scene production ready.
The magic of CGI 3D animation.
The rise of memorable films like Toy Story, Frozen, and Moana shows how mesmerizing CGI 3D animation can be. This animation process isn’t just visually appealing, but it also enhances storytelling and audience engagement by creating relatable characters and realistic scenes.
CGI might seem like magic to everyday audiences, but it takes real technical skill to pull off. Technical skills and software tools like Substance 3D, Blender, Maya, and Adobe After Effects are the bedrock of CGI 3D animation.
Thursday, October 17, 2024
Watch to the very end, it shows how they made the animation.
Students should continue with working on Choice Zentangles and Sugar Skulls. Zentangles should be done by the end of the week and you should be halfway through the sugar skull. If you do not have this done, it should go home for homework on the weekend.
Sugar Skulls: Trace skull template onto white tag paper, then draw symmetrical designs in pencil, follow-up with going over the lines in black pen or marker, then colour with pencil crayons. Next take a photo on your phone and upload it to the Mdrive in your folder. You nay have to bring it into Photoshop to crop it. Lastly name it SUGAR SKULL.
- Take 5 photos that represent who you are or connect to your life in some way. Also include a headshot/selfie that has been taken recently.
- Include 5 other photos you have taken recently, maybe theme them as Fall or just photos that you have taken and think are well composed.
- Do not just use any old photos that are on your phone or ones you have already taken. If you do not have a phone or the quality is not good, work with someone who has a phone that you can use.
- Upload these photos to the Mdrive in your folder and name the folder SLIDESHOW.
- I would like to have the photos taken by next MON?TUES if possible.
Tuesday, October 15, 2024
Week of Oct 15-18
This WEEK you should be working on:
- finishing up old work
- working on choice zentangle
- working on Sugar skull, it should be coloured, photographed and put in your folder on Mdrive under the folder called sugar skull
- Get skull image, trace using light table onto white tag paper
- outline with thick sharpie
- go in and draw designs in pencil
- go over with fine tip ink pens
- colour the skull with pencil crayon
Film/Photo Contests
Habitat for Humanity Film Contest
LINK to Contest:https://vin.habitat.ca/en/news/student-reel-impact-contest
CASH PRIZE! 1st prize - $300 | 2nd prize - $200 | 3rd prize - $100
freedom photo contest:Justice Institute
Sunday, October 06, 2024
Week of Oct 7-11
Student should be working on the following:
- finishing up any work that is already due
- working on zentangle pattern practice sheet (cupcake sheet)
- then moving on to choice zentangle: students are to choose an object they want to do their designs in. Type ________ stencil into google ex. dog stencil, fish stencil, Vancouver Island stencil........COPY/PASTE into Photoshop, FILE NEW CREATE, EDIT PASTE, RESIZE by going to IMAGE/IMAGE SIZE, make it so it fits on an 8.5x11 size paper, then go to FILE PRINT, choose library copier. The printer is just outside the door in the 506 lab in the library. You will need to trace your design onto white tag paper. Then you will then portion off the areas and start to do your designs. You should probably start in pencil and then go to ink.
Friday, October 04, 2024
Friday Oct. 4
The following is due in your folders for marking:
- Photo 1: photos 3 different ways, best one labeled BEST
- Headswap
- Headshots: 5 shots cropped head and shoulders
- Photo of Mushroom art
Tuesday, October 01, 2024
Week of Oct 1
Continue to work on Zentangles: Complete the practice sheet, then the cupcake and then find an object to complete your own zentangle.
Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Monday, September 23, 2024
Mon Sept 23
1. Find a photo of a person on the internet. When using google to find the image, get the largest size photo possible. ( ie superman, famous model or celebrity) no animals or cartoons. Right click COPY, open Photoshop, File NEW, edit PASTE
3. Bring in both photos to Photoshop. Go to IMAGE, IMAGE SIZE and change the photos to both be close to the same size.Height 11 INCHES. If one is way bigger than the other it will be difficult to do the assignment.
Note: It is probably more interesting to put the student head on the celebrity body, but it does not matter which head goes where. Also if you do not have a head shot that works for the swap, simply go out and take a shot of someone in a similar pose and distance away from the camera.
7. When on the next photo, click on EDIT, PASTE. This will put the head on the page. Then to resize the head, click EDIT, TRANSFORM, SCALE. This will put a box around the photo and allow you to change the size of the head, you can also slightly rotate the head if you go to ROTATE under TRANSFORM tool.
8.. Then you want to tweak the image by moving into place with the pick/move tool, or use the eraser tool to clean up the edges.
Note: SAVING the file: If you need to continue working on the head swap, save as a COPY Photoshop file so you can come back and work on the image. It is always a good idea, to save your edited photos as Photoshop files as a backup in case you need to go back and make changes. However, if you think you are done you can save as a JPEG ( which is save as copy).
Wednesday, September 18, 2024
Wed/Thurs. Sept.18
New Assignment: Headshots: Take 5 headshots, 4 different people and one of yourself. Upload and put into a folder called HEADSHOTS
Steps for uploading:
1. get a phone cable from the teacher
2. Plug the usb into the computer
3. Plug the other end into your phone
4. an allow button should pop up on your phone, click allow
5. Then look for your phone on the left side of the screen where all of the drives are located.
6. Click on and you will be brought to a folder called INTERNAL STORAGE click on this, and alot of folders will be brought up. Move all the way down to the last folder which will be the most recent. You should see the three photos you just took.
7. Select the three photos and right click COPY, go to your MDrive folder, then click EDIT PASTE.
Come see me if you have problems doing this.
Monday, September 16, 2024
Mon/Tues Sept 16 and 17
1. Today you are going to go out and take 3 photos of the same object or subject on your phone. Try to make the photos look interesting.
2. Then we are going to upload them to the computer....first on the drive in your folder, then on your one drive folder as backup. Label the folder Photos 1
Steps for uploading:
1. get a phone cable from the teacher
2. Plug the usb into the computer
3. Plug the other end into your phone
4. an allow button should pop up on your phone, click allow
5. Then look for your phone on the left side of the screen where all of the drives are located.
6. Click on and you will be brought to a folder called INTERNAL STORAGE click on this, and alot of folders will be brought up. Move all the way down to the last folder which will be the most recent. You should see the three photos you just took.
7. Select the three photos and right click COPY, go to your MDrive folder, then click EDIT PASTE.
Come see me if you have problems doing this.
3. You are then going to choose your best photo and then crop it and edit in Photoshop then SAVE AS COPY asa Jpeg and put it into the Photo 1 folder and label it as best.
Friday, September 13, 2024
Week ending Friday Sept 13
New Tools in Photoshop
- Image sizing
- Filters
- Turn to Black and white
- Cut/paste Taylor Swift and stars
- Image saving as a jpeg and as a Photoshop file
Tuesday, September 10, 2024
Mon Sept 9
Introduction to:
- Mdrive...create a folder with your name on it
- Photoshop: bring ina photo from Google, crop and save as copy the photo onto Mdrive under the folder with your name on it
- Continue working on your folders
- Finish penciling in mushroom/fall objects
- ALL DONE, see Ms Chase
Thursday, September 05, 2024
Tuesday, July 09, 2024
Welcome to Media Arts 8
Media Arts
Media Arts is the study of human communication through: film, photography, video, audio, computer digital arts, and interactive media. Creatively, students employ the elements of space, time, light, motion, color, and sound to express their perspectives, feelings, and ideas. Critically, you will learn to interpret and evaluate media within aesthetic, cultural and historical contexts to become more enlightened consumers and effective citizens.
Media Arts is aesthetic-based and uses elements and tools of current and emerging technologies to create works that express feelings and ideas. The act of creation is an essential part of thinking which in turn builds the notion that there are alternative approaches to traditional mass media. In order to learn the language and symbol systems of our current culture. We will work in different mediums to explore ideas.
Students are expected to know the following:
elements and principles of design
image development strategies
media technologies
a variety of image sources and genres
common vocabulary used in media arts
a range of materials, processes, and techniques
media production skills:
— pre-production
— production
— post-productionuse of symbols and metaphors to represent ideas
and perspectivesFirst Peoples worldviews and cross-cultural
perspectives, stories, and history as expressed through
media artslocal, national, global, and inter-cultural media artists
In this course we will explore the elements and principals of design through photography and video primarily. We will still do some hands on learning which will include some drawing and design work and an introduction to watercolour. Students will learn basic photoshop techniques, how to create a video slideshow in Canva and how to create a moving video in Clip Champ. We will also explore First Peoples artists through video.
Tuesday, February 20, 2024
Stencil making
Stencil Steps
1. Find an image to use or adapt or create your own. Get approved by your teacher.
2. Print out and trace onto tag/cardstock paper using the light table.
3. Determine where you will cut...get exact knife from teacher and cutting mat from the side of the room.
4. Get help spraying the back with adhesive, use a stiff brush or a stencil brush to hand stencil using acrylic onto another sheet of tag paper.
5.Show teacher and then move on to spraying onto canvas.
Mon Feb 10
New Assignment: Headshots: Take 4 headshots, 4 different people and one of yourself. Upload and put into a folder called HEADSHOTS. Total...

Here is some examples from the first project of the year which focuses on the element of LINE. Students have done a spectaclular job on thi...
Lots of great things have gone on in Creative Arts classroom this year. Unfortunately, I have not had time to keep up with posting the on...
Assignment #2: 9 Artist Trading Cards (marks 20) We started this assignment before the break as an in-between assignment and so I think it ...