Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Art Assignment

Assignment #1
I have a huge interest in creativity and invention. Now more than ever, it might just be these creative activities that keep us sane. I encourage you to watch the Jim Carrey video and check out the article Unleashing Your Creativity, it focuses on the importance of creativity in our daily lives. Check out the following article and video and then complete assignment #1.

Article to Read: Unleashing your Creativity by Vince Gowman

Video to Watch: Great video creating with Jim Carrey

Further Information: Website with great links to articles and information on Creativity

The Importance of Art in our Society: Art in Society

Do Something/Anything Creative Today: This should be a creation of something NEW
Have a quick look through some of this information, then decide on a creative activity. It can literally be anything: any art piece in any medium, create a video, sew something, make a signature meal, tie dye a piece of clothing, paint something, draw, write a song and perform it, bake something, create an art in nature piece, invent something, try out a new piece of technology like canva, choreograph and perform a dance, write a poem, experiment with a cool photography technique. Once you figure out what creative thing you are going to do, SEND ME A PHOTO, VIDEO or a picture EXAMPLE showing me what you have created and a small discussion about your process. ( a paragraph)

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