Friday, June 21, 2013

A Peek at students in Flow Mode

For any of you who have had the opportunity to enter flow mode when you are fully engaged in a project, it is an incredible gift. It is a time period when time seems as if it is suspended as one fully engages in creating. It is like a meditative state, a length of time where one is totally connected to what they are doing. Often the art classroom is a very noisy and busy place, but some projects can draw students into this state I am talking about.

One such project that I enjoy doing with the students is Australian Aboriginal dot paintings. In Australia, the Aboriginal people actually enter into a meditative trance before they begin to paint. It has the same effect on students in the classroom. Here are a few photos where students are very focused on their art. As well there is a copy of a student painting entitled, "Sitka" by Yasmine Boilard.

Sitka by Yasmine Boilard

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Head Swap: Feb 19

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