Thursday, January 30, 2025

Fri Jan 31

Preface this video by asking students if they know who Van Gough is and what he might be famous for. This video showcases an immersive digital experience of Van Gough's work and is a good example of media arts. 

Hand out large tag paper, on front table under the white bin in front of cameras. Have students fold paper in half and staple the sides, then complete the following criteria. Marker and pencil crayon bins are at the front of the room labeled.

 Folder Criteria:

  • first and last name
  • Media Arts 8
  • a few images: drawn by yourself your choice
  • add some colour using pencil crayons or marker
  • have designs on front and back cover
  • take time and care to plan out your work, it will be graded

Sunday, January 26, 2025


Welcome to Media Arts 8

 Media Arts

Media Arts is the study of human communication through: film, photography, video, audio, computer digital arts, and interactive media. Creatively, students employ the elements of space, time, light, motion, color, and sound to express their perspectives, feelings, and ideas. Critically, you will learn to interpret and evaluate media within aesthetic, cultural and historical contexts to become more enlightened consumers and effective citizens.

Media Arts is aesthetic-based and uses elements and tools of current and emerging technologies to create works that express feelings and ideas. The act of creation is an essential part of thinking which in turn builds the notion that there are alternative approaches to traditional mass media. In order to learn the language and symbol systems of our current culture. We will work in different mediums to explore ideas.

You will need access to a phone for taking photos in this class

Students are expected to know the following:

  • elements and principles of design

  • image development strategies ( photoshop)

  • a variety of image sources 

  • common vocabulary used in media arts

  • a range of materials, processes, and techniques

  • media production skills:

    — pre-production
    — production
    — post-production

  • use of symbols and metaphors to represent ideas
    and perspectives

  • First Peoples worldviews and cross-cultural
    perspectives, stories, and history as expressed through
    media arts

  • local, national, global, and inter-cultural media artists

    In this course we will explore the elements and principals of design through photography and video primarily. We will still do some hands on learning which will include some drawing and design work and an introduction to watercolour. Students will learn basic photoshop techniques, how to create a video slideshow in Canva.

    List as many things you find in the video that relate to Media Arts

    TODAY: Student Interviews.... 3 questions about your partner and introduce them to the class.
  • Log on to computers create a folder with your name on it on the Mdrive under Media Arts 8 Term 3
  • Go to the start menu on the left hand side of the computer, find Photoshop, drag it to the desktop and sign in with your school email.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Make sure you have the teacher look over your final video before putting it into your folder.

Finished Everything? Find an object ( heart, circle animal shape ect.) and trace the shape, then zentangle (create patterns) inside the object.

The Kayak: a short animated film

Tuesday, January 07, 2025

Please check that you have the following work in the folder on the computer: 

  • 5 headshots edited 

  • Photo of doodle 

  • 10 Candy shots edited 

  • Photo of ornament 

  • Headswap 

  • Xmas card (extended) 

  • Pattern sheet/cupcake marked by Ms Chase 

  • Final Video about Me on M Drive/Media Arts 8/ under AAFinal saved by first and last name 

 Steps Needed for Photo Slideshow ( you have 4 classes to finish this, but it can be worked on at home!!!!) We will show these in class Tues Jan 21 and Wed Jan 22

1. Take 11 photos: 5 candy shots, 5 shots about you, 1 of you
2. Move photos from phone to M drive personal folder
3. Open Canvas with your school login credentials
4. Go to Video Project 1080p
5. Pick a front template, change it so it has your name on it, use the text tool to change the text
6. Go to UPLOADS on the left and upload all of the photos you need from your M drive folder. ONCE YOU HAVE DONE THIS YOU CAN WORK ON IT AT HOME.
7. Drag and drop each photo into the video template DO THIS BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING else.
8. On the bottom of each photo there is a button to add a transition in between each photo CHOOSE A DISOLVE ONLY no crazy transitions.
9. To shorten each photo, grab on the right side of the photo and drag left to shorten or right to lengthen. The first slide should be 5-8 sec and all of the other slides should be 3.5 sec in length.
10. You can add Audio two ways: 1. by choosing a song from Canva, go to ELEMENTS and choose a song. 

When teacher then go to SHARE
then to DOWNLOADS (give it time to download), go to DOWNLOAD folder on computer
right click EDIT COPY
go to the file FINAL video and then click EDIT PASTE, right click RENAME, and rename the video by your first and last name

Sunday, October 20, 2024


Show students the sample video in Canva....the first step is to upload all of the photos into Canva and then go to create video. It should be no longer than one minute in length and the slides should be timed to 3.5 seconds.

Link to: Sample Grade 8 About Me video slideshow

Wed March 12

Watch animated video and ask the students when it is completed: 1. What made the video funny? 2. Did they think the ending worked? 3. Were t...