1. Take 11 photos: 5 candy shots, 5 shots about you, 1 of you
2. Move photos from phone to M drive personal folder
3. Open Canvas with your school login credentials
4. Go to Video Project 1080p
5. Pick a front template, change it so it has your name on it, use the text tool to change the text
6. Go to UPLOADS on the left and upload all of the photos you need from your M drive folder. ONCE YOU HAVE DONE THIS YOU CAN WORK ON IT AT HOME.
7. Drag and drop each photo into the video template DO THIS BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING else.
8. On the bottom of each photo there is a button to add a transition in between each photo CHOOSE A DISOLVE ONLY no crazy transitions.
9. To shorten each photo, grab on the right side of the photo and drag left to shorten or right to lengthen. The first slide should be 5-8 sec and all of the other slides should be 3.5 sec in length.
10. You can add Audio two ways: 1. by choosing a song from Canva, go to ELEMENTS and choose a song.
When finished...show teacher then go to SHARE
then to DOWNLOADS (give it time to download), go to DOWNLOAD folder on computer
right click EDIT COPY
go to the file FINAL video and then click EDIT PASTE, right click RENAME, and rename the video by your first and last name