Sunday, October 27, 2024

Photo Slideshow

 Link to: Sample Grade 8 About Me video slideshow

Steps Needed for Photo Slideshow ( you have 4 classes to finish this, but it can be worked on at home!!!!)

1. Take 11 photos: 5 choice/fall shots, 5 about you, 1 of you
2. Move photos from phone to Mdrive personal folder
3. Open Canvas with your school login credentials
4. Go to Video Project 1080p
5. Pick a front template, change it so it has your name on it, use the text toll to change the text
6. Go to UPLOADS on the left and upload all of the photos you need from your M drive folder. ONCE YOU HAVE DONE THIS YOU CAN WORK ON IT AT HOME.
7. Drag and drop each photo into the video template DO THIS BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING else.
8. On the bottom of each photo there is a button to add a transition in between each photo CHOOSE A DISOLVE ONLY no crazy transitions.
9. To shorten each photo, grab on the right side of the photo and drag left to shorten or right to lengthen. The first slide should be 5-8 sec and all of the other slides should be 3.5 sec in length.
10. You can add Audio two ways: 1. by choosing a song from Canva, go to ELEMENTS and choose a song. or 2. Import an audio file from the files I have on the M drive. Let me know if you need help with this.

When teacher then go to SHARE
then to DOWNLOADS (give it time to download), go to DOWNLOAD folder on computer
right click EDIT COPY
go to the file FINAL video and then click EDIT PASTE, right click RENAME, and rename the video by your first and last name

Sunday, October 20, 2024


Show students the sample video in Canva....the first step is to upload all of the photos into Canva and then go to create video. It should be no longer than one minute in length and the slides should be timed to 3.5 seconds.

Link to: Sample Grade 8 About Me video slideshow

This is a CGI animated short film.

Demystifying the CGI process.

CGI uses computers to speed up the design process, but it isn’t as simple as pressing a button. The CGI creation process involves:

  1. Conceptualization and pre-production. The design team works on storyboards, character design, and scene layouts.
  2. 3D modeling. At this stage, designers build digital 3D objects, characters, and environments.
  3. Texturing. Texture applies color and realistic details to 3D models.
  4. Rigging. Rigging adds a digital skeleton for movement and flexibility.
  5. Animation. Designers use the established foundation to bring the 3D models to life and add movement.
  6. Lighting. Virtual lighting creates ambiance and makes the scene more realistic.
  7. Rendering. This converts the 3D scene into a 2D image or animation.
  8. Post-production. The designers add final touches, effects, and edits to make the scene production ready.

The magic of CGI 3D animation.

The rise of memorable films like Toy Story, Frozen, and Moana shows how mesmerizing CGI 3D animation can be. This animation process isn’t just visually appealing, but it also enhances storytelling and audience engagement by creating relatable characters and realistic scenes.

CGI might seem like magic to everyday audiences, but it takes real technical skill to pull off. Technical skills and software tools like Substance 3D, Blender, Maya, and Adobe After Effects are the bedrock of CGI 3D animation.

Thursday, October 17, 2024


 Watch to the very end, it shows how they made the animation.

New video for Monday's class

link to: Snack Attack

Students should continue with working on Choice Zentangles and Sugar Skulls. Zentangles should be done by the end of the week and you should be halfway through the sugar skull. If you do not have this done, it should go home for homework on the weekend.

Sugar Skulls: Trace skull template onto white tag paper, then draw symmetrical designs in pencil, follow-up with going over the lines in black pen or marker, then colour with pencil crayons. Next take a photo on your phone and upload it to the Mdrive in your folder. You nay have to bring it into Photoshop to crop it. Lastly name it SUGAR SKULL.


  • Take 5 photos that represent who you are or connect to your life in some way. Also include a headshot/selfie that has been taken recently.
  • Include 5 other photos you have taken recently, maybe theme them as Fall or just photos that you have taken and think are well composed. 
  • Do not just use any old photos that are on your phone or ones you have already taken. If you do not have a phone or the quality is not good, work with someone who has a phone that you can use.
  • Upload these photos to the Mdrive in your folder and name the folder SLIDESHOW.
  • I would like to have the photos taken by next MON?TUES if possible.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Week of Oct 15-18

This WEEK you should be working on:

  • finishing up old work
  • working on choice zentangle
  • working on Sugar skull, it should be coloured, photographed and put in your folder on Mdrive under the folder called sugar skull

Skull by Ezra Webb
  • Get skull image, trace using light table onto white tag paper
  • outline with thick sharpie
  • go in and draw designs in pencil
  • go over with fine tip ink pens
  • colour the skull with pencil crayon


Film/Photo Contests

Habitat for Humanity Film Contest

LINK to Contest:

 CASH PRIZE! 1st prize - $300 | 2nd prize - $200 | 3rd prize - $100  

freedom photo contest:Justice Institute

Sunday, October 06, 2024

Week of Oct 7-11

 Student should be working on the following:

  • finishing up any work that is already due
  • working on zentangle pattern practice sheet (cupcake sheet)
  • then moving on to choice zentangle: students are to choose an object they want to do their designs in. Type ________ stencil into google ex. dog stencil, fish stencil, Vancouver Island stencil........COPY/PASTE into Photoshop, FILE NEW CREATE, EDIT PASTE, RESIZE by going to IMAGE/IMAGE SIZE, make it so it fits on an 8.5x11 size paper, then go to FILE PRINT, choose library copier. The printer is just outside the door in the 506 lab in the library. You will need to trace your design onto white tag paper. Then you will then portion off the areas and start to do your designs. You should probably start in pencil and then go to ink.
See Photo Below:

The Kayak: a short animated film

Friday, October 04, 2024

Friday Oct. 4

The following is due in your folders for marking:

  1. Photo 1: photos 3 different ways, best one labeled BEST
  2. Headswap
  3. Headshots: 5 shots cropped head and shoulders
  4. Photo of Mushroom art

Tuesday, October 01, 2024

Week of Oct 1


A Look at Claymation and Behind the Scenes

Continue to work on Zentangles: Complete the practice sheet, then the cupcake and then find an object  to complete your own zentangle.

Mon Feb 10

  New Assignment:  Headshots: Take 4 headshots, 4 different people and one of yourself. Upload and put into a folder called HEADSHOTS. Total...