Sunday, October 06, 2024

Week of Oct 7-11

 Student should be working on the following:

  • finishing up any work that is already due
  • working on zentangle pattern practice sheet (cupcake sheet)
  • then moving on to choice zentangle: students are to choose an object they want to do their designs in. Type ________ stencil into google ex. dog stencil, fish stencil, Vancouver Island stencil........COPY/PASTE into Photoshop, FILE NEW CREATE, EDIT PASTE, RESIZE by going to IMAGE/IMAGE SIZE, make it so it fits on an 8.5x11 size paper, then go to FILE PRINT, choose library copier. The printer is just outside the door in the 506 lab in the library. You will need to trace your design onto white tag paper. Then you will then portion off the areas and start to do your designs. You should probably start in pencil and then go to ink.
See Photo Below:

The Kayak: a short animated film

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Head Swap: Feb 19

  1.  Find a photo of a person on the internet. When using google to find the image, get the largest size photo possible. ( ie superman, fam...